Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Snow Day

Well, this is a little late, but I'm finally getting around to writing about our snow day. Better late than never!

So, on Tuesday of last week we had some snow in Waco, and I actually got half of the day off of work! It was a great break after many weeks without a holiday. We only ended up with about 3ish inches of snow, and it was all melted by the end of Wednesday, but it was fun while it lasted!

 (Drew's House)

If you drove down Austin Ave. on Tuesday, it was really entertaining, because almost every yard had a dirty snowman in it! The house next door built a large snowman that lasted for several days, just sitting in the green grass. We let Sherlock run all through the yard after we took a few pictures of the house, and he absolutely LOVED it!

 (Looks like a black and white Polar Bear)

(So handsome)

(He loves to chase balls - even if they're made of snow!)

After we played in the snow for a while, Drew and Jonathan decided to prove their manliness (or insanity) by going to ride mountain bikes in the snow at Cameron Park.

(Mountain biking in the snow)

(Sherlock and I went along to document the outing)

It's a little difficult to tell from this photo, but the boys came back extremely muddy. They primarily ended up riding through puddles and mud...and Sherlock was just as dirty as Jonathan and Drew. All in all though, it was a fun day, and it was a much-needed break in the middle of my work week. For now, it is back to the swing of things, and I am just ready for the ground not to be soaking wet for a change. A little warm weather might be appreciated as well...

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