Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tamie's First 5K Run

October 8, 2011, a day that will live in history.  The date Dr. Tamie D. Erratt ran her FIRST EVER 5K Run.  For those of you who are metrically challenged, thats 3.1 miles!!  She was accompanied by our friend, Carol Hogan.  Tamie has been training, mostly on the treadmill, for the last few months.  She has been using a program called "Couch to 5k".  For someone who has never done any running before, it has been an amazing thing.  She did have a little road work courtesy of her Co-Trainers, Tony and Alice Elkins.  A little being something less than an hour.  As an aside, there is a "Couch to 10K", could that be next?
The run was organized as part of the 2011 Texas Reds Festival.  The Festival celebrates two local agricultural products, beef and wine.  Plan on coming down next year, it's a lot of fun.  Last night we had a free band playing downtown.  The Landsharks, a Jimmy Buffet cover band out of Florida.  They were great!  In fact, it was interesting to see the mix of age groups out there belting out the songs.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Feed Your Mind with Book Pages

 Socially Superlative

Well, it is definitely time for a book list update. You can find our list of suggested books on the right-hand side of the page. You would think that it would be an easy task to get book suggestions from a family of constant readers, but in reality, it is more like herding cats. By the time the last person finally puts in their suggestion, it has been a whole month since the first person complied! Oh well, at least we are here now...

Book Suggestions for the Spring of 2011:
Crescent Dawn - Clive Cussler
Into the Storm - Taylor Anderson
Bruiser - Neal Shusterman
Emergency - Neil Strauss
Bloodlands - Timothy Snyder
The Naming - Alison Croggon

For a fun game, try to guess who chose which book. Your options are: Alyssa, Avery, Bruce, Drew, Spencer and Tamie. Leave your guesses in the comments section!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lessons for a Bride To-Be

Dear Sister,

I know that you are not planning on eating cake at your wedding, but check out these beauties...

Look at the sense of awe and wonder in their eyes:

This guy looks like he's not too sure about this whole wedding business: 

 There are no words for this beaut:

This one reminds me of the skirt of a Disney princess:

 And last, but DEFINITELY not least...this one needs no explanation:

Don't tune out yet though!  If these just aren't your style, or you are just too afraid that you can't live up to these high standards of wedding cakehood, then perhaps there is still something that can be learned from the wonders of wedding cake photography.  So, without further ado, I bring you "Lessons in Baked-Good Cutting Ceremonies: The Emotions and Expressions of Important Wedding Moments". (Yes I did come up with that awesome title myself. Thank you.)

Lesson 1: Don't let your lack of knowledge or your insecurities show.

  Lesson 2: Remain calm, and stay focused on the task at hand.

 Lesson 3: Don't be afraid to laugh at yourselves.

Lesson 4: It's okay to stand close to each're married now, remember!

Lesson 5: Smile and cut those baked goods up! We're hungry out here!

Lesson 6: Now you can have a treat for a job well done!


The Loud One

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bachelorette Party Re-Interpreted

Dear Sister,

In keeping with my post about our potential double wedding, I have decided to post my interpretation of what I think our complimentary bachelorette party might look like.


Beach girls posing under their umbrellas, Brisbane, ca. 1925 by State Library of Queensland, Australia

And of course, there HAS to be some music and dancing...

We sure do know how to have a good time! I can't wait!


The Loud One

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's Not Too Late

Dear Sister,

It's not too late. This could still be us...

or this...


The Loud One